Title | Artist Composer | Artist Contributing | Artist Lyrics | Artist Translation | Midi File | Notes | Sheet Music |
Soentjie Wals | |||||||
Soen Wals | |||||||
Soebat Wals | |||||||
Sobre Las Olas (Over the Waves), Loveliest night of the year | Rosas, Juventino | Webster, Paul Francis |
O'er die water Wals = the loveliest night of the year A song made popular in mid-century was “The Loveliest Night of the Year”, sung by Mario Lanza and perhaps others. The English lyrics were written by Paul Francis Webster (1907-1984). The American version was an adaptation of a song written by the Mexican composer, Juventino Rosas Cadenas (1868-1894), called “Sobre Las Olas” (Over the Waves). This is a beautiful waltz, and one of my favorite songs. The English lyrics have nothing to do with the Spanish lyrics. They are a complete rewrite. Actually, I found several variations of the Spanish lyrics, but I selected two stanzas from different versions that fit well together, and I consider the result a single song. The Spanish version is superior to the English version. Below I have given the English lyrics of “The Loveliest Night of the Year”, as well as the Spanish lyrics of “Sobre las Olas”. I have provided my own translation of the Spanish lyrics, but I have not attempted to fit them to the melody. In other words, my translation doesn’t pretend to pass as a new set of lyrics. THE LOVELIEST NIGHT OF THE YEAR When you are in love, It’s the loveliest night of the year, Stars twinkle above And you almost can touch them from here. Words fall into rhyme Any time you are holding me near. When you are in love, It’s the loveliest night of the year. :Waltzing along in the blue, Like a breeze drifting over the sand, Thrilled by the wonder of you And the wonderful touch of your hand and My heart starts to beat Like a child’s when a birthday is near. So kiss me, my sweet. It’s the loveliest night of the year. (Repeat starting at :) SOBRE LAS OLAS ¡Que dulce vaivén de las olas tranquilas del mar! ¡Que lindas se ven en la playa gentil resbalar! Su grato rumor forma un canto de mágico son, Y su color de esperanza es emblema de amor. Pero con horrísono son De terrible y feroz tempestad Sopla el rudo aquilón. En sus olas se ve majestad. Yerguen se en fiera altivez En montaña de espuma y cristal, Y con estruendo después A la playa a morir se van. En la inmensidad de las olas flotando te vi, Y al irte a salvar por tu vida la mía perdí. La dulce visión en mi alma indeleble grabó La tierna pasión que la dicha y la paz me robó. Si el eco de mi dolor Tu refugio llegare a turbar, Te seguirá el amor. No te niegues su pena escuchar, Que el viento te llevarà Los gemidos de mi corazón, Y siempre repetirá Los acentos de mi canción. What a lovely motion of the tranquil waves of the sea! How beautiful they look as they slide onto the gentle beach! Their pleasant murmur forms a song of magical sound And their color is the emblem of the hope of love. But with the horrible sound Of the terrible, fierce storm, Blows the violent North wind. Majesty appears in its waves. They rise in wild arrogance In a mountain of foam and crystal, And with a great noise afterwards They return to the beach to die. In the immensity of the floating waves, I saw you, And when I went to save you, for your life, I lost mine. The sweet vision in my soul carved indelibly The tender passion that robbed me of fortune and peace. If the echo of my sorrow Should come to disturb your refuge, Love will follow you. Do not refuse to listen to its pain, For the wind will bring you The plaints of my heart And will always repeat The strains of my song. ------------ About the author Thomas Keyes: I have written two books: A SOJOURN IN ASIA (non-fiction) and A TALE OF UNG (fiction), neither published so far. I have studied languages for years and traveled extensively on five continents. Email: |
So lang die boom sal bloeien | |||||||
Slaap soet liefste | |||||||
Skoppelmaai (Swing) Polka | |||||||
Skitterende Wals | |||||||
Silwerboom Wals | |||||||
Silver threads among the gold | Danks, Hart Peace , Liles, Joe | Rexford, Eben E. , Liles, Joe |
Word jou goue hare silver = Silver threads among the gold Hart Peace Danks of New Haven, Connecticut was already and experienced composer of sacred songs, singer and conductor, when he spotted a poem in a Wisconsin farm journal edited by Eben Rexford, as authority on gardening and floriculture. Rexford was in the habit of wroting poems as space fillers in his magazine. He sold a group of poems to Danks, and one of them was "Silver Threads Among The Gold". The rest, as they say, is history. The song sold over two million copies in the 19th century alone and perhaps more in this century. Joe Liles, a Texan, a barbershop singer and writer of songs in several styles, felt that such a beautiful chorus needed appropriate verse. He composed both words and music. Danks composed over 1,200 songs but died alone and in poverty in Philadelphia. He and Rexford are remembered today only by this song. Joe Liles lives in Kenosha, Wisconsin and is an active member of SPEBSQSA, Inc. Words by Eben E. Rexford (1846-1916) and Joe Liles (1930- ) Music by H.P. Danks (1834-1903) and Joe Liles (1930- ) |
Silver Dollar |
Jack Palmer with Clarke van Ness created "Aunt Jemina (Silver Dollar)" (1939), for an Aunt Jemina pancakes advertisement, and "Silver Dollar (Down and out)" (1950). A MAN WITHOUT A WOMAN (SILVER DOLLAR) A man without a woman is like a ship without a sail, Now you can roll a silver dollar 'cross the bar-room floor, So listen, my honey, listen to me, ----- SILVER DOLLAR |
Shannon Wals | Brigsley |
Wals van Tant Sannie Shannon Waltz first recorded by East Texas Serenaders (Daniel H Williams - Fiddle, John Munnerlyn - tenor banjo, Cloet Hamman - guitar, Henry Bogan - violin cello) Heelwat van die musiek wat deur die groep opgeneem is, is deur Williams gekomponeer — "Acorn Stomp," "East Texas Drag," en "Arizona Stomp," byvoorbeeld. Die groep het "Shannon Waltz" en "Sweetest Flower Waltz" van ‘n vioolspeler uit die Noorde genaamd Brigsley verkry. Daar is geen verdere inligting oor die komponis van die Shannon wals bekend nie. |
Settees GR54 | |||||||
Settees GR28 | |||||||
Seleksies van Polkas (Vyf Dagbrekers) |
Sarie Marais, we are marching to Pretoria |
Seleksies van Polkas (Vier Springbokke) |
Sarie Marais, bobbejaan klim die berg, vanaand gaan die volkies koring sny, aai aai die witbors kraai |
Seleksies van ou walse |
Brandewyn laat my staan, Jan Pierewiet, spaanse wals, ek is my mamma se enigste kind, |
Sê my hart | |||||||
Saterdagaand Settees |
Katrina / moenie oom Kool |
Sarie Marais | |||||||
Sarel se Wals | |||||||
Sannie gee my brood Settees | |||||||
Sandveld Settees | |||||||
Rustenburg Vastrap | |||||||
Rus verstoote Wals | |||||||
Ruk en pluk Polka | |||||||
Rooivlerk Wals | |||||||
Rooipoort Vastrap | |||||||
Rooidag-toe Polka | Rooidag_toe_Polka.pdf | ||||||
Rooiblom Polka | |||||||
Rooi Settees | |||||||
Rooi Dagbreek | |||||||
Roksak Medley |
Sarie Marais, hou die roksak toe |
Rina se polka | |||||||
Rietspruit Galope | |||||||
Riempies Polka | |||||||
Resiesbaan Settees | |||||||
Rand Polka | |||||||
Potchefstroom Wals | |||||||
Portugeeswals | |||||||
Pollie Wit Wals | |||||||
Pollie | |||||||
Polka GR54 |
konsertina yodel, staatmaker polka |
Polka GR42 | |||||||
Polka GR28 | |||||||
Polka GR27 |
GR 27 |
Platina Polka | |||||||
Pinana booi | |||||||
Pietersburg Settees | |||||||
Piet se wals |
Herhinder baie aan "Ver in die Vrystaat by jou" |