Silver threads among the gold

Word jou goue hare silver = Silver threads among the gold Hart Peace Danks of New Haven, Connecticut was already and experienced composer of sacred songs, singer and conductor, when he spotted a poem in a Wisconsin farm journal edited by Eben Rexford, as authority on gardening and floriculture. Rexford was in the habit of wroting poems as space fillers in his magazine. He sold a group of poems to Danks, and one of them was "Silver Threads Among The Gold". The rest, as they say, is history. The song sold over two million copies in the 19th century alone and perhaps more in this century. Joe Liles, a Texan, a barbershop singer and writer of songs in several styles, felt that such a beautiful chorus needed appropriate verse. He composed both words and music. Danks composed over 1,200 songs but died alone and in poverty in Philadelphia. He and Rexford are remembered today only by this song. Joe Liles lives in Kenosha, Wisconsin and is an active member of SPEBSQSA, Inc. Words by Eben E. Rexford (1846-1916) and Joe Liles (1930- ) Music by H.P. Danks (1834-1903) and Joe Liles (1930- )

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